Thursday, March 25, 2010

1. Run. Or walk. Or treadmill.

The point is, be active- preferably in a way that allows you to spend time alone with your thoughts.

This started for me when I started talking an antidepressant to prevent my migraines. Since I didn't need the antidepressants to quell a chemical imbalance in my brain, I started bouncing off the walls. So I ran.

Now I'm not a fast runner by any means, and I have this lovely case of asthma making sure I'm never able to run outside to save my life, but I do have a membership at Club One and a Nike+ sensor to keep me in line.

Since I was running alone I had all the time in the world (or about an hour before I hit the showers) to contemplate every issue that had been festering as of late. Some issues were resolved, some I resolved to still be angry about; but the point is when running I was able to find some sort of resolution.

Plus, buying cute workout clothes made everything better.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My name is Kathryn. I am not a self-helper, as anyone who knows me can vouch for. All that I am is a young woman who one day woke up to the fact that she was now identifying the length of her relationship in years rather than months. With that realization came the fact that I was probably not going to end up being the crazy cat lady I had always envisioned myself becoming. As amazing as that epiphany was, there was the immediate fear that once I change my prefix from 'Miss' 'Mrs.' that I will lose my identity.

With that fear came the even more off-putting realization that I don't really have an identity yet. So here I am, twenty-something, sharing my journey to find myself with you. I ask that you join me- why? Because if I am capable of going out to find myself, so are you.

And don't worry, I would never ask you to do something I won't.
